Each year, ACHE of MA recognizes outstanding healthcare leaders across our state with the Regent’s Award. Awardees have demonstrated leadership in their organizations and in their communities and have supported key ACHE goals, which include advancing integrity, lifelong learning, and diversity and inclusion. In 2023, ACHE of MA will be selecting awardees in two categories: Early Career Healthcare Executive and Senior-Level Healthcare Executive.
For All Awards: Applicants must be current ACHE of MA members, residing in Massachusetts.
Nominations due by 11:59 PM on October 31, 2023. Send to info@massache.org
Award recipients will be announced at the ACHE of MA’s December Volunteer Recognition and Awards Night. Details to follow.
Early Career Healthcare Executive Award
- A current member of the ACHE.
- Demonstration of leadership ability.
- Demonstration of innovative and creative management.
- Executive capability in developing his or her organization and promoting its growth and stature in the community.
- Participation in local, state, or provincial hospital and health association activities.
- Participation in civic/community activities and projects.
- Demonstration of participation in ACHE activities and interest in assisting ACHE in achieving its objectives.
Senior-Level Healthcare Executive Award
- A current Fellow of the ACHE.
- A CEO, COO or other senior-level executive title within the organization.
- Demonstration of leadership ability.
- Demonstration of innovative and creative management.
- Executive capability in developing his or her organization and promoting its growth and stature in the community.
- Contributions to the development of others in the healthcare profession.
- Demonstration of leadership in local, state, or provincial hospital and health association activities.
- Participation in civic/community activities and projects.
- Demonstration of participation in ACHE activities and interest in assisting ACHE in achieving its objectives.
NOMINATION DEADLINE – October 31, 2023
Please include the following information on the COVER PAGE of your submission –
Award category:
- Early Career Healthcare Executive Award
- Senior-Level Healthcare Executive Award (Fellow requirement)
Name of Nominee:
ACHE Credentials: Indicate Member or Fellow:
Professional/Business Title:
Address (City, Zip):
Name of Person Submitting Nomination:
Professional/Business Title:
Address (City, Zip):
DETAILED NARRATIVE: Include examples of how the nominee has met the following criteria.
Please limit your response for each question to no more than 400 words:
- Demonstration of leadership ability in current role.
- Demonstration of innovative and creative management.
- Examples of developing one’s organization and promoting its growth and stature in the community.
- Participation and leadership in ACHE (national and chapter) activities.
- For Early Career Nominees Only: Participation in hospital or health association activities (local/regional/state/national) and civic/community activities and projects.
- For Senior Executive Nominees Only: Leadership in hospital or health association activities (local/regional/state/national) and civic/community activities and project.
- For Senior Executive Nominees Only: Contributions to the development of leaders in the healthcare profession.
Nomination submissions are due by 11:59 PM on October 31, 2023, and must include:
- Cover page
- Detailed narrative (see above)
- CV or narrative biography for nominee
- Applications are required to be submitted as one PDF file and sent directly to info@massache.org